Musicians talk about the overtone series, physicists call it the harmonic series. Why? different priorities. The first harmonic is the fundamental, the second harmonic is the first overtone. I'll use the terms interchangeably, but number harmonics with the physicists' system, because the interval between two harmonics is exactly equal to the ratio of their harmonic numbers. (Pythagoras figured that out in the sixth-century-or-so.)
The pitches in a harmonic or overtone series can be produced by touching a vibrating string to divide it in parts.. The fundamental is the lowest pitch, the first overtone is an octave higher. The series (with harmonic numbers) with each successive overtone expressed as the interval above the previous overtone is:
1 Fundamental (the lowest tone you can produce, hence, not expressed as an interval above anything)
2 octave
3 fifth (making it an octave and a fifth above the fundamental)
4 fourth (this is two octaves over the fundamental)
5 Major third ( 2 octaves and a third above the fundamental)
6 minor third ( 2 octaves and a fifth)
7 subminor third (2 octaves and a very flat seventh)
8 supermajor second (3 octaves)
Now something interesting happens:
9 "Greater Tone" (the 'large' second, 3 octaves and a big whole tone)
10 "Lesser Tone" (the 'small' second. I'm not going to bother with the interval over the fundamental any more.)
11 and 12, the Greater and Lesser 'Undecimal Neutral Second's
13 amd 14, the Greater and Lesser 'Tridecimal 2/3rd tones'
15, septimal diatonic semitone
16 just diatonic semitone.
From these can be built a scale of 7 tones (the 8th being the octave of the first, etc.) The usual makeup of the scale is a large tone, a small tone, the diatonic semitone, a small tone, a large tone, a small tone, and a diatonic semitone.
Remember interval = ratio of harmonic numbers, so the greater tone is 9/8, the lesser tone is 10/9, and the diatonic semitone is 16/15. If you start on A=440, and multiply it by each of these intervals:
440 (A)
440 * 9/8 = 495 (B)
495 * 10/9 = 556.875 (C#) (Just major third 9/8 * 10/9 = 10/8 = 5/4, note fourth to fifth harmonic=M3)
556.875 * 16/15 = 594 (D)
556.875 * 16/15 = 660 (E) (Perfect fifth, 3/2, ie 660/440)
And so on, since the next three intervals are identical to the first three (and, in fact, would be the bottom half of an Emaj scale.)
The ancient Greeks constructed scales of this variety, and did it without a clear concept of frequency or devices to measure them.
Stacking fifths (as Pythagoras) produces the scale called Pythagorean. In this case, each note's pitch (frequency) is 3/2 to the previous one, and reduction by octaves can bring all 12 tones within the spam of an octave. Again, the intervals are related by whole number ratios: it is worth noting that whole-number-ratio (WNR) intervals are 'beatless', in the sense of being "in tune". (Equal Temperament intervals are decidedly not in tune, and are purposely mis-tuned: the theory we use with regard to equal temperament is based on the foundational theory work done before Equal Temperament was developed!) In the case of Pythagorean scales, the notes that fall on diatonic steps as derived from the harmonic series are close enough to be called by the same name. (Heck, even the pitches derived from equal temperament do!)
Once the diatonic scale is established, and the existence of the major and minor triads are seen in the same harmonic series (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 form a Major triad, although octave divisions are needed to get the third between the fundamental and fifth; 5, 6 and 8 form a minor triad) it was simple work to ask what you'd get if you built triads on successive scale degrees, using nothing but notes in the diatonic scale. Observation quickly shows that a major triad is a major third with a minor third stacked on it, a minor triad is a minor third with a major third stacked on top of it, the triad on vii is two stacked minor thirds (hence, diminished, because it is the one chord where the fifth is smaller than pure) and from this, it's a short step to wondering what two stacked major thirds would be (augmented, actually.)
At this point, no one actually had to decide what was major, minor or diminished: it's built into the diatonic scale and inescapable.
The Greeks went on to develop a system of modes: instead of transposing the diatonic scale intervals to new fundamental tones, they just took seven-note sequences from the diatonic scale starting on successive diatonic scale degrees. In the Medieval and Renaissance periods, this Mode system was resurrected...but they got it upside down! (It didn't hurt their music though!)