Piano lessons - how much to charge?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Piano lessons - how much to charge?
Seven answers:
2007-05-11 17:08:36 UTC
My piano teacher charges $25 per half hour, but if your student is a friend, you might give her a discount. I would recommend $20 per half hour.
Bobby S
2007-05-10 20:55:35 UTC
I agree that you should find out what your peers charge first. Location isn't everything, though. If you are an adult, you are justified charging more than a college music major, who can charge more than a high school student.

Since this is a friend of yours, and since you are a beginning teacher, and since you aren't exactly a professional level player, then I don't think you would be justified charging any more than $20 for 45 minutes. Maybe once you get more experience teaching, you can adjust your rates, but not yet.

I, personally, would charge $10 for a 30 minute lesson, and would be extremely generous with going over time-wise.
2007-05-10 19:24:54 UTC
You should check to see what others in your area charge. Location is everything. Look in the phone book or do an online search for those offering the same services in your locale - and find out what they charge. You want to be competitive in your market.
2007-05-10 19:19:12 UTC
The going rate varies by location. My idea of an average would be about $25 for what you're describing but if you're in a very urban high income area $35 - $40 and if you're in a very poor or rural area $15.
2007-05-10 19:18:17 UTC
well.. every week? u should pay at least $110 a month. i pay $120 because my lessons are an hour long weekly.
2007-05-10 19:17:12 UTC
For 30-45 minutes of your time I would say between $35-50.
Daniel M
2007-05-10 19:22:11 UTC
I get charged $15 a 45 minute lesson. and $14 for a 30 minute lesson. That does include a slight discount though. I would say definatley under $20. Maybe $17 for a 45 minute lesson? I hope this helps. btw, I think my sister charges $12 a lesson.

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