I think that I, like many of the regulars here, often have a myopic view of this "forum." Y!A was ostensibly set up to provide an informal question and answer system for amateurs as well as seasoned veterans. Because it happens far too frequently, we chide those who miscategorize their questions assuming they should know better where to place them.
Because I grew up with classical music, it is sometimes easy to forget that there are people who have never been exposed to classical music outside of the context of a classroom or a cartoon. For those askers, "Classical" might well connect with "anything played on piano, or violin, or anything with no lyric."
That doesn't really address your question.
As humans we strive to create tools to make things easier. Think all the way back to stone knives, the wheel, and rock hammers. Fast forward a few thousand years and you hit the 1900s when having a piano in the home was a given. Everyone played, it was the entertainment of the day before radio and TV. Somewhere in our collective conscience we recall that grandma played the piano well; forgetting that "grandma" played and practiced hours a day for years. The people coming to piano now want to achieve all that in a week or two and not give up any of their other toys and time sinks.
I think what we see a lot of here are people who want to excel at something quickly; it seems that learning middle C is the foundation to a career. "Piano for fun" is just a hop, skip and a jump away from from the delivery of a $99 keyboard. The sort of thing touted by programs like Scott Houston's "Play Piano In A Flash." While that has a place, it isn't the road to a career.
Well the tools are still there and being developed. For very little money you can buy an "instrument" that will provide accompaniment to your one finger melody (much to the chagrin of those who dedicate their lives to the craft.)
What needs emphasis is that there is a huge difference between playing for fun and understanding music; banging out notes and understanding music.
As for American Idol ... It's always been true that there are people who float to the surface simply because they were in the right place at the right time. I have often wondered what music was being produced in the rest of the world while Vienna was at the forefront of classical music. Not just what was going on in Africa, or South America ... but what was going on in Cologne, Ravenna, Zurich, Oslo, Leeds, etc. It gives you pause to think just how centralized classical composition was.