Beginner Trumpet Player - Out of Breath?
2011-09-29 17:17:03 UTC
I'm a beginner trumpet player. And I've noticed when I start to play it sounds fine but after 5 seconds of playing I start to feel out of breath, a tad lightheaded, and the notes begin to sound like a sheep is dying. Then when I stop playing I am out out of breath. I'm sure it's a problem with my air flow. I read on how to use 'circular breathing' but I don't think a beginner would need to use that. Also how you should get 'warm air' from the bottom of your lungs. I read on Wikipedia and other sources about how you can put a hand on your stomach and chest and the stomach should rise first. That doesn't seem to be working for me. Any help for a beginner?

tl;dr I'm out of breath after I play trumpet, what breathing technique will help this situation?
Five answers:
John T
2011-09-29 22:05:54 UTC
What you have described may indicate that you are developing excessive pressure inside your chest cavity (Valsalva Maneuver)--this is not a good thing. You need to talk to your instructor immediately--if you are doing this you need to correct it so you don't injure yourself.

As far as breathing techniques, Circular Breathing is not just an advanced technique, it is a specialty skill--you can have a long and profitable professional career without ever knowing how to circular breath. So forget that for now. Stand in front of a large mirror (you need to see face, chest and abdomen) and take a deep breath. Fill your lungs by moving your diaphragm down. As your lungs fill your shoulders should remain stationary. If you are using your intercostal muscles to fill your lungs your shoulders will rise as you inhale. Make sure you are breathing through your mouth, and not your nose. After you've got the technique of inflating your lungs down; inhale, purse your lips and breath out under control--it should take 10-15 seconds to blow out the air, and your lungs should not be completely emptied. If you force every last bit of air out of your lungs it makes beginning the inspiration process slower. This is a control exercise, not a test of how much air you can push out of your lungs. Finally, when you are exhaling through pursed lips make sure you are not also exhaling through your nose. After you've got the techniques down you can transfer them to playing your trumpet. Something else to remember is that, at no time should a trumpet player ever feel out of breath. You may need to take a few lessons with a trumpet teacher to get this straightened out.
2016-05-15 07:58:38 UTC
1: take deep breaths, think about breathing through the diaphram or from deep within your belly 2: don't worry about the high notes as you are beginning, they'll come with time. But when you are ready, stay relaxed and make sure you don't choke up the air as you try to reach for higher notes. Lift your tongue high into your soft palate and and keep an open and relaxed throat
Best Answer
2011-09-29 20:04:45 UTC
dont try to play high notes. play the notes soft and take a breath whenever you need to. just take it slow...
2011-09-29 17:18:26 UTC
Get it on with your mom. It'll help your breathing, as you'll learn how to breath deeper
2011-09-29 17:34:18 UTC
getting it on with ur mom is a good idea but another idea is 2 watch bb kings masterclass treumpet vids on u-tube

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