Beethoven's greatest composition?
2007-05-10 12:22:04 UTC
Beethoven's greatest composition?
Six answers:
2007-05-10 15:18:20 UTC
They are all great, but most may say the 9th symphony is the greatest. It is my favorite symphony of his, but I love his sonatas. Nobody beats him in sonatas. Mozart would be next, then Bach as musicians that is. Bach made fugues a lot, but Beethoven is the master of the piano. Bach didn't have a piano in his time. I guess the 9th, although the 5th is the most famous symphony ever. Everyone knows it and knows who made it and the number of it-5! Between the 5th and the 9th? For me the 9th!
2007-05-11 02:14:55 UTC
In what context of "greatest"?

Otherwise, "Anthony" is correct - it's personal choice.

I have several Beethoven symphonies (on both vinyl and CD) and they are excellent, but my all-time favorite (what I deem as "greatest") is his Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight".

Check out the link for a sample of this delicious tune.
2007-05-10 19:31:12 UTC
I personally love Symphony 6, His use of nature and music is awsome.

Guys like Beethoven and especially Bach are mindblowing how they can construct the most mindboggling pieces of music that are just so architectual and complicated yet so amazing to hear.
2007-05-10 22:19:05 UTC
It was Symphony No. 3 until I heard No. 9 live. I heard things I never heard in my recordings. It's now No. 9.
2007-05-10 19:29:22 UTC
matter of opinion
2007-05-11 05:41:10 UTC
has to be, has to be, has to be 9th.

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