Gilbert & Sullivan?
Lifeless Energy
2007-05-10 19:25:47 UTC
I know its not very well know by younger people. But does anyone know of their operettas? Which one's your favorite?
Four answers:
2007-05-10 19:40:49 UTC
My favorite "song" of theirs of all time is "I am the very model of a modern Major General" from the Pirates of Penzance. It has been done a lot of other places as well. It is very fast and the pitter pat back and fourth rhythm is contagious. Wish a lot more of their stuff was like that. I can listen to that particular one over and over again.
2016-10-15 12:24:14 UTC
could you grant up on your dream? How approximately advance UP and get carry of reality? you have been asking this uninteresting question for weeks, and a staggering style of persons have defined the information to you. You sound like extremely newborn throwing a tantrum presented that they are waiting to not have a canines. we are waiting to not have the excellent purchase we choose in existence. preserve IT! you ought to spend it sluggish whining and crying over something you ought to not distinction, or you will located it on the returned of you and get on with distinctive concerns. God, i anticipate sorry for the time-venerated courting you have gotten that doesn't be certain. @ Kristie - i'm curious... did you sing previous to transition, and did you adventure a deepening of your voice with the aid of the time of puberty? what's your lowest be wakeful?
2007-05-11 09:11:23 UTC
Where have you been? G & S is wonderful. Start with Pirates or Pinafore and go on from there, you will then be whistling all of the wonderful tunes,
2007-05-10 23:56:20 UTC
The only one I've seen is "HMS Pinafore." I enjoyed it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.