Get someone to show you where the notes are, on the piano. then, if you are hitting the right notes, you are reading them correctly.
The sharp before a note in a bar / measure tells you that this note is to be played sharp. The sharp sign lasts for the whole bar, so any more of the same note will also be played sharp. Suppose the first note in the bar was F#, on the top line of the stave, and later in the same bar there are 2 more notes on the F line, they will be also played F#. If you need an F# in another bar, the sharp sign will need to be written again.
The sharps at the beginning of the line mean that every note of the same name will be played sharp throughout the piece. One sharp is always F#, two sharps are F#and C#, etc. This is called the key signature.
Everything I have said about sharps applies equally to flats as well.
Even better - get yourself a good teacher.