2009-02-23 05:34:37 UTC
i can play well, but i still don't feel like my tone is nice. like i keep pressing other keys too when i want to play another, and my tone's always not sharp enough, like not enough strength in it. my piano's just recently tuned, made no diffs anyway. i just need to make my songs sound Clear and Sharp. (my fingers are really soft btw)
and i've just changed a new teacher. she's very unlike my former teacher, whom i loved so very much. well, for instance, when she teaches me a new song, she doesn't play it for you once to help you get a picture of how it sounds like. for some songs it's ok, but for some others, like somthing from 21st century it's really hard for me to play. to imagine. i've only started for a week (her lessons i mean) and i'm already frustrated.
how can i like my teacher more? the only reason i promised myself to continue was only because i told myself, that i would play every song, whether i like it or not, seriously and to play it as well as i ever could.
and, i've already been playing the grade six pieces for a long time now, and the time, the year for the pieces is for 2007 to 2008. and it's over now. i just want to learn the pieces, not planning on taking exams. well, can i, like, ask her to let me try the grade seven pieces? i've already played most from the grade six', and i thought i can try the grade seven's. how can i ask her. like how can i start?
thanks, to EVERYBODY who answers. i'm really serious in asking this question i hope you guys answer just as seriously.