2010-08-21 21:40:27 UTC
I'd like some help deciding. I like all the pieces in List A-D that I've put down. I haven't narrowed list E down at all, to be honest I'm not really in love with any of them yet.
I'm not sure what to play... I don't want all my repertoire to be too difficult though, I have really small hands ( so I'd prefer pieces with less octaves and stretching.
So can you pick one from each list that may be suitable for me?
List A:
Prelude and Fugue in E flat Major, BWV 876 Bach, J.S.
French Suite No.5 Bach, J.S. (Allemande and Gigue)
List B:
Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:33 (complete) Haydn, F.J.
Sonata in E flat Major, K 282 (189g) (complete) Mozart, W.A.
Sonata in E Major, op. 14, no. 1 (complete) Beethoven, L. van
List C:
Polonaise in C sharp Minor, op. 26, no. 1 Chopin, F.
Liebestraum No. 3 Liszt, F.
Nocturne in F sharp Major, op. 15, no. 2 Chopin, F.
List D:
Arabesque No. 1 Debussy, C.
Élégie, op. 3, no. 1 Rachmaninoff, S.
Barcarolle No. 4 in A flat Major, op. 44 Fauré, G.
Danse du meunier / The Miller’s Dance de Falla, M.
List E:
The Rails, op. 16 Deshevov, V.M.
Rondo, op. 84, no. 1 Bartók, B.
Six Variations on “Land of the Silver Birch” Gallant, P.
Trois pièces pour la légende dorée / Pépin, C.
Three Pieces for the Golden Legend (complete)
Strangeness of Heart Somers, H.
Rondó sobre temas infantiles argentinos / Ginastera, A.
Rondo on Argentine Children’s Folk Tunes
Pas de deux Barber, S.
Toccata, op. 54 Takács, J.
Six Preludes, op. 6 Muczynski, R.
Prelude No. 1
Prelude No. 6
Synergy Gardiner, M.
Snow Games Tsitsaros, C.
Variations in A minor, op. 40, no. 2 Kabalevsky, D.