I've thought of bringing this topic up and have also thought of sending interesting articles through a 'question' but wasn't sure if it was appropriate or of interest. Thanks for addressing this!
If you want insightful and accurate information on the state of American Orchestras, you might try http://www.adaptistration.com.
You can also find a great deal of interesting information on ICSOM's (Internation Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians) website. ICSOM is not a union but is a way for orchestras to communicate with each other as well as to lobby for improvements.
Here's a great You Tube video of a talk ICSOM's chair. Bruce Ridge, gave before the House Committee on Education and Labor in D.C. lasts week that summarizes what is going in the U.S. arts:
Philadelphia, Cleveland, Minnesota, St. Paul, Atlanta, and many smaller groups such as Columbus, Charleston, and Grand Rapids are all suffering. I just heard Detroit is going to have major problems with the auto industry falling. GM just pulled their $300,000 annual gift, and I thought, holy cow, GM has only given the orchestra $300,000 a year over the years???
Some causes of the trouble are: the drastic fall of endowment dollars, dwindling corporate sponsorship, people pulling back on coming to concerts as well as a culture that is increasingly pop-oriented.
Keeping in mind that ticket sales only account for 30-40% of an orchestra's budget, the rest comes from endowments, annual fund drives, some grants, corporate sponsorships, and small pitances from the NEA, and so forth.
Someone mentioned going to a side-by-side rehearsal between a professional orchestra and students. These are usually free. Orchestras do a lot of free concerts and offer student/senior priced tix. It's possible to find all sorts of opportunities that don't cost an arm and a lege, at least in the States. If you look, there are opportunities.
We always need support from 'outside'. Believe it or not, we need volunteers! I know many who are on a fixed income who 'donate' time instead of money, and believe me, it is appreciated a great deal.
How has technology helped or hurt orchestras? It has helped us. Period. Google it and you will see stats that the arts earn more income than sports in many cities in the U.S. Technology has helped bring people in the doors. The internet has been a really help. The key is having programs people are interested in, and that is tricky. It's a dance, a balancing act, a constant adjustment. Glad I'm not in administration, for it would be tough. Trying to figure out how to maintaim and grow donors while still bringing in new people (future donors) is an art in itself.
It's so different in Europe...I know there are problems, but it has always seemed easier with government supporting the arts more fully.
Have to run...more later!