Help in Fϋr Elise?
2007-05-10 18:10:38 UTC
I'm playing Fϋr Elise on my clarinet with a friend for a student playing festival, her part is in a lower octave, but she has trouble going from the lower octave to the higher octave, & it slows the song down, and messes the teacher up when he plays it on the piano with us, how can I help her, i only have a few days until the festival?
Three answers:
Bobby S
2007-05-10 18:17:07 UTC
More air might fix the problem. Make sure she's taking plenty big enough breaths, and really using the diaphragm muscles.

She should probably spend time just practicing the interval jump. Take the two notes she has the most trouble with, and have her slowly go back and forth as smoothly as possible.

Other than that, all I could recommend is having her skip a note and coming back in, or sneaking a quick breath and resetting her embouchre.
2007-05-11 01:13:45 UTC
Sorry, I don’t know the answer to this question. I did some quick research but I came up with nothing. Good luck finding a solution. I wish I could have helped.
2007-05-11 01:16:08 UTC
How the hell...o am i suposed to know

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