Where can I find a har rock or just electric guitar version of Little Fugue in G Minor by Bach?
2007-05-10 18:47:52 UTC
I'd like one.
One answer:
2007-05-11 00:47:36 UTC
Fuguetta by Yngwie Malmsteen.

Yngwie Malmsteen also starts out with it on "Dreaming (Tell Me)", but it's on a classical guitar, and he doesn't play it for that long:

And there's a Japanese band from the 80's and 90's called, X Japan who used part of it in a song called, "Rose of Pain":

The only "rockish" version that uses the whole song is a crazy fast techno version by a Japanese musician named Keigo Oyamada, who goes by the stage name Cornelius. The song is called "2010" and it's on his CD, "Fantasma". Not hard rock, but the only complete version, other than a classical version.

There may be more out there, but these are the only one's I know about. Good luck!

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