>>>>Is it the "cool thing" to love Bach
Absolutely. Music students who prefer Nineteeth Century music are frowned upon as sissies.
>>>>and say he was the greatest composer ever?
Probably not.
Whenever anyone writes into this forum asking for a comparison between composers of two diffeent time periods, someone sticks his nose up in the air and says "You're comparing apples and oranges."
>>>>Bach came before Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler etc etc,
The earlier the music you listen to, the less grounds anyone will have for calling you ethnocentric.
I have wanted to become more familiar with Renaissance music, but I've gotten too engrossed in studying Eighteenth Century music.
>>>>Bach inspired them all,
I think you're right.
True, in the late Eighteenth Century, the name "Bach" implied Karl Philipp Emanuel rather than Johann Sebastian for most people.
But for Mozart and Beethoven, that was an exception.
Beethoven made a pun on Bach's name, which means "brook," and said that his name should nt be Brook but Ocean.
We have Baron Gottried van Sweiten to thank. This nobleman invited Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven to his house and made sure that they got a thorough instruction in early Eighteenth Century music, including Bach's music.
>>>>Bach did it first,
Not sure I agree with you there.
Bach had numerous other strengths, but not innovativeness.